生活必需品 For Beginners

Small Investment in Quality Training, Big Payback

SHRM 生活必需品 of 人力资源 课程涵盖了与您和您的公司相关的关键人力资源挑战所需的主题. In six weeks of training time, 您可以覆盖您需要的问题,以减少潜在的昂贵诉讼.

Developed by leading HR experts, 人力资源从业者, 以及法律顾问, 人力资源管理协会人力资源要件课程以浓缩的方式涵盖了介绍性的人力资源主题, easy-to-understand format. 直接的格式确保人力资源的概念可以掌握和应用到现实生活中的情况. 你会:

  • Keep up with key federal laws in areas such as total rewards, equal employment opportunity and harassment
  • Improve employee recruitment and selection
  • 增加你在入职、入职、发展和培训方面的知识
  • Understand best practices for employee handbooks
  • Download and use sample templates like employment applications, 工作描述, disciplinary policies and more

这个为期六周的课程结合了专家指导和人力资源管理协会要点, 这样你就能学得更快,保留更多的知识,加速你在人力资源领域的未来.

所有课程自购买之日起五个日历日内可退款. After five calendar days, courses are non-refundable.

该课程至少需要三个注册. 如果在注册截止日期前未注册最低人数,将全额退款.

与人力资源管理学会(SHRM)合办, 人力资源管理协会人力资源要件提供的课程由全球主题专家设计,并结合了六个关键主题 SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge 社团烈性黑啤酒). 我们的课程旨在通过将学习材料与专家指导和同行讨论相结合,帮助您有效地学习和记忆材料.



You’ll benefit from:

  • An experience, SHRM-certified instructor.
  • 为您的职业发展奠定坚实的人力资源知识基础.
  • A structured learning experience that keeps you on track.
  • 它通过SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP认证为进一步的专业发展奠定了基础.
  • 专业发展学分(PDCs)或重新认证学分和完成后的证书.

对你的好处r Employer

SHRM 生活必需品 benefits your entire organization:

  • Reduces the company's risk of high-cost litigation.
  • 促进非人力资源部门对人力资源职能的一致理解.
  • 为部门主管提供专业发展,确保人力资源合规.
  • 为整个组织开发一个通用的人力资源术语词典.
  • Enhances the importance of the HR function within your company.

Designed as a thorough introduction to HR basics, 人力资源管理协会人力资源要件课程提供了人力资源概念的坚实基础,是跨多种工作职责和职业道路的有效培训.

  • New and junior 人力资源从业者 who need to increase their knowledge base
  • Small business owners or office managers 为公司执行人力资源职能的人,以及想要学习基本人力资源最佳实践以避免昂贵诉讼的业务经理
  • New or experienced managers interested in learning more about employee management skills
  • Representatives selling or supporting HR systems and services
  • 国际 HR personnel wishing to increase their knowledge of U.S. 人力资源实践
  • 求职者 谁正在考虑将人力资源作为一个新的职业选择,或者想用人力资源技能来充实自己的简历

We understand the demands on the HR professional. 这就是为什么人力资源管理协会人力资源要件课程平衡印刷材料, 在线学习, 和现场讲师支持,以满足学生的学习需求和时间表.

Course Reference Book
covers key HR topics

Module 1: 人力资源
Module 2: Talent Acquisition
Module 3: Total Rewards
Module 4: Learning & 发展
Module 5: Performance Management
Module 6: 就业 Law

Course Activities Book
reinforces content and classroom learning

  • Course slides with notes section
  • Application activities

在线工具 & 资源
complements learning modules

  • Pre-test, module test, case studies & 测试后
  • Resource center includes important HR updates & links to valuable resources

A Centralized Resource for HR Education

Logo SHRM for recertification provider.
Logo partnership with SHRM.

学习系统 For Professionals

Our Team of Experts can Help You Succeed

  • 获得shm - cp或shm - scp证书将使您成为人力资源领域公认的专家和领导者,并成为您所在组织的宝贵资产, 让你和你的组织在当今的经济环境中更具竞争力. 这 professional distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, proving your high level of knowledge and skills.
  • 通过参加我们即将到来的认证预备课程,增加您通过考试的机会. 一个专家, 社团认证讲师将在现场回答您的问题, guide you through interactive discussions, 回顾样题,并提供独家应试技巧.

我们的认证准备课程主要是为寻求SHRM-CP或SHRM-SCP认证的个人设计的. 对于想要:

  • Increase their knowledge
  • Advance their skills
  • Earn recognition from the global community

如果你对认证不感兴趣,但想提高你的人力资源技能, 本课程为专业发展提供了一个全面和加速的选择. Participants gain a generalist viewpoint, refresh key ideas and concepts, 加强他们对核心行为和技术能力的理解,提高工作场所的生产力.

Personalized and Flexible

当你要处理繁忙的工作日和家庭责任时,找时间专注于职业培训可能很难. 通过结构化的学习经验和支持,保持在获得认证的轨道上.

Affordable 项目

We are committed to keeping your course fees as low as possible, 同时帮助您实现人力资源管理认证或专业发展目标. 我们还可以帮助您利用学生折扣和资金选择.


获得我们的人力资源管理认证讲师的指导,帮助您理解和学习应用新的人力资源知识. 与同行建立联系,分享现实生活中的例子,将人力资源知识和能力融入生活.


High-Quality Instruction

Learn from highly respected and experienced, 拥有多年人力资源实践经验的人力资源管理认证讲师.



Structured Learning


Certification and Product 信息

  • SHRM-CP/SHRM-SCP Eligibility
  • Testing Windows and Deadlines
  • Download Certification Handbook
  • SHRM 学习系统



  • 社团资源
  • 成为会员
  • 事件


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this program online?


Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Will anything be shipped to me?

是的, the SHRM course materials will be sent via FedEx.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Is there a designated day or time for class?

No, the instructor will not have specific “class times”.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Are there payment plans available?

At this time, we do not have any payment plans in place. Payment is due at time of registration.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Is the cost of the certification exam included?


Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Is this program for college credit?

No, it is continuing education only.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Will financial aid, scholarships or VA benefits cover the cost?

No, this program is continuing education only.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Are there any prerequisites for this program?

No, we do not have any. To become certified you will need approval from SHRM. 请联系他们或在社团certification查看他们的资格要求.org/eligibility.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No

Is this program instructor-led?

是的, the instructor will guide you through the program.

Do you find this helpful? 是的 No


  • P.O. 3011箱
  • Commerce, TX 75429-3011

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